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May 01, 2017

Email your thoughts regarding UNC Magazine articles:  UNCmagazine@sydotnet.net

Excerpts from your letters:

I was very impressed with your Fall/Winter 2016 magazine and in particular the “Success Looks Like Them” section. Actually all the articles that focus on how the UNC students have applied their education to advance their field of work really hits the essence of the importance and applicability of getting that education. UNC should be very proud of the success of their students. The articles also give inspiration and hope to students and parents that the education will produce success in career fields. Its relevance is important.

–Sandra Tomasovich, parent of graduate

Writing to you regarding the article that was in the Fall/Winter 2016 UNC Magazine, “Drawing on Hard Work,” featuring Sieger Hartgers and his artwork. Many of the things he said in the article I like and admire: Keep it simple, honest; don’t make it an intellectual conquest; follow your bliss is more important than anything else. His love of teaching and his every action came through in the article. Doing different medias keeps me from being still and lazy. Try to live every day. I am in my early 80s and still like to draw, paint, design and print. Again, I really enjoyed the article in the magazine.

–Terence G. Peacock (MA ’63)