Please email In Memory or Tributes to:
Jennie Oman LC ’40
Audrey Curtis BA ’43
Marjorie M. Bender BA ’44
Leona D. Hefner MA ’44, BA ’40
Marjorie (Dudley) Reddick MA ’47
Albert Joseph Buzbee BA ’48
Joyce Arlene (Koeneke) McNey BA ’51
Harold Robert Pfenning BA ’51
Eugene “Gene” “Cooch” Caranci MA ’52, BA ’51
Philip McKee EuBanks Sr. BA ’52
Dwayne Gene August Schramm MA ’53
Wayne W. Howbert MA ’54
William Bolitho BA ’55
Harold Emil Krueger MA ’55
F. Dean Lillie AB ’55
Ferol Louise Miles BA ’55
Orville Riddle MA ’55, BA ’50
James Darrell Bolin BA ’56
Esther Maddox MA ’56
Bernard “Bernie” Riggs BA ’56
Louise I. Riggs BA ’56
Effie Mae (Chamberlin) Beller MA ’57
Earlynne “Lynne” Long BA ’57
Josephine Theresa Mancuso MA ’57
Richard Danton Grover BA ’58
Robert James Ingebritson BA ’58
Dorothy Marie Mandiloff BA ’58
George E. Swafford Ed.D. ’59
Lorraine B. Witt BA ’59
Gene Russel Arehart BA ’60
Ronald L. Vandegrift BA ’60
Leonard Alan Hawley MA ’61
Ronald M. Brown MA ’62, BA ’60
Larry Cromwell MA ’62
Gladys Ann (Fujaros) Mathews BA ’62
Alfred Eugene “Gene” Twomey Ed.D. ’62, MA ’54
Bonnie Jean (Stoll) Brethauer BA ’63
Byron Owen Brookhart BA ’63
Lyle D. Hettinger BA ’63
Barbara Howell BA ’63
Richard M. Kohl BA ’63
Charles “Chuck” Buchanan McPherson BS ’63
Ronald Clifton Bates MA ’64
Bonnie R. (Colescott) Kohl BA ’64
Dorothy Rod Bohan MA ’65
Sylvia Minnick BA ’65
Kaye Don Owens Ed.D. ’65, MA ’61
Geraldine “Jerry” Fornes BA ’66
Lowell Earl Johnson MA ’66
Eddie Ham Spence MA ’66
Roy Edward Uhrig MA ’78 BA ’66
Lawrence D. “Larry” Allison BA ’67
William “Frank” Hammond MA ’68
Leroy I. Martinez MA ’68
Gerald L. Oehm MA ’68
Dwayne M. Perrigo BA ’68
John Kevin “Jack” Dow BS ’69
Marlo Rex Meakins MA ’69, BA ’65
Jill Marie Stoefen-Fisher BA ’69
Neil Bailey MA ’70
Jean Ellen Harley BA ’70
Maurine G. Summers BA ’70
Cliff Fletcher BA ’73
James Harvey Rickhoff MA ’73
Suzanne (McLean) Giles BA ’74
David Allen Gootee MA ’74
Charles Kenneth Howerton BS ’74
Dennis Jerome Hurianek MA ’74, BA ’69
Kay Lynn Price BA ’74
Terry Anne (Takase) Shlaes BA ’74
John Robert Stoneman BS ’74
Eugene “Gene” Allison BA ’76
Ella Kathryn Heitman MA ’76
Donna (Tremaroli) Bender BS ’77
Eva Mae (Slagle) King BA ’77
Melinda R. (Miller) Krumm MA ’77
Douglas Wilson Schott MA ’77
Donald P. Steinbrecher BS ’77
Roger S. Tumbaga MA ’77
Rev. James Leslie “Jim” Kidd MA ’78
George Ralph Olson MS ’78
Roy Edward Uhrig MA ’78, BA ’66
Neil Argo MM ’79
Edward Leslie Meaders BS ’79
Terry Tyson MS ’81
Roberta “Bobby” McKinley MA ’82, AB ’48
Scott Hardy BA ’83
Rosemarie L. Millard MA ’83
Peter N. Rhoad BA ’83
Robert Dean Wing BS ’83
Vernon Stanley “Stan” Moeller MS ’84
Richard “Richie” Sanger BS ’84
Gloriane Rose Crater BA ’85
Sherri Marshall BS ’85
James Mike Nachazel MA ’85, BA ’62
Kelly Michelle Yarish BA ’86
Linda Cleland BA ’89
Douglas B. Goodman MBA ’87
Victor Zaragoza Ed.D. ’87
Linda Cleland BS ’89
Janie Livingston (Adams) Hoshijo BA ’91
Larisa Ann Slauson BA ’94
David A. Kieffer PSY ’96
Michael J. Stanley BA ’97
Loyd Griggs BA ’98
Michael Shriner Goar MS ’02
Marjorie “Marge” (Dudley) Reddick MA ’47 passed away at the age of 99 on June 9, 2018. Marjorie told this story about meeting her husband: “I met Glenn Reddick in the fall of 1946 in the library of Colorado State College of Education as we were both researching topics related to Far Eastern Religions. It seemed one of us had always checked out the book the other was looking for. That’s how on a particular night we both came to the same book at the same time. And — as the movies used to say ’The rest is history.’ ” Marge was buried next to Glenn.
Many years ago, my wife, Myra, talked me into leaving everything behind in Texas and moving to Colorado so that she could pursue a master’s degree in Special Education at UNC. It was one of only a few schools that offered a special program in teaching visually handicapped people in either a classroom setting or rehabilitation setting. She was very good at persuading. Since I had to tag along, I also decided to explore advanced educational opportunities at UNC. I enrolled in the Ed.D. program and specialized in Business Education –Organizational Development. Our experience at UNC was one of our greatest of all time. I will never forget that time in my life. The professors were great, the school was wonderful and the community outstanding. Myra went on to become an outstanding teacher, working with the visually handicapped/mentally challenged students. She had a special skill. I completed a career in healthcare management. Myra passed in 2017. She always talked about her great time at UNC, all the way to the end.
–Roscoe “Ric” Trout Ed.D. ’76