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In Memory – Spring 2024


Please email In Memory or Tributes to:  uncmagazine@sydotnet.net

May 23, 2024

  • 1940s

    Marv Eakes, B.A. ‘49, M.A. ‘56
    Christine Heinich, B.A. ‘49
    Ruth Rich, B.A. ‘49

  • 1950s

    Jack King, B.A. ’50
    Margaret Kelly, B.A. ’51
    Ruth Muldoon, B.A. ’51
    Edye Nottingham, B.A. ’51
    Reid Pope, B.A. ’51, M.A. ’65
    Ruth Gabriel, M.A. ’51
    Wilma Mirich, B.A. ’52
    Melvin Scarrow, B.A. ’52
    Geri Gernhardt Brooks, B.A. ’53
    Beulah Kennicutt, B.A. ’53, M.A. ’61
    Joyce Klein, B.A. ’53
    Alice Quirico, B.A. ’53, M.A. ’65
    Bennita Wiley, B.A. ’53
    Bettye Wallace, M.A. ’53
    Blaine Bond, B.A. ’54 
    Jewel Briggs, B.A. ’54
    Ellsworth Lorentzen, B.A. ’54
    David Mejia, B.A. ’54, M.A. ’55
    Allen Petersen, B.A. ’54
    Bev Porter, B.A. ’54
    Joseph Seamon, B.A. ’54
    Lois Haugen, M.A. ’54
    Betty Conn, B.A. ’55
    Dick Franz, B.A. ’55, M.A. ’58
    Alvin Gentsch, B.A. ’55
    Ron Ramsey, B.A. ’55, M.A. ’64
    Sylvia Wolinsky, B.A. ’55
    Daniel Albeyta, B.A. ’56, M.A. ’57
    Betty Englen, B.A. ’56 
    Sharon Geist, B.A. ’56 
    Richard Hilts, B.A. ’56, M.A. ’61
    Dwayne Kurth, B.A. ’56 
    Marie Leach, B.A. ’56 
    Phillip Reigenborn, B.A. ’56 
    Chet Hausken, M.A. ’56, Ed.D. ’63
    Charlie Hawkins, B.A. ’57, M.A. ’64
    Alan Balch, B.A. ’57, M.A. ’61 
    Chuck Brown, B.A. ’57, M.A. ’60
    Glenn Burnham, B.A. ’57, M.A. ’59
    Lila Chambers, B.A. ’57
    Robert Frykholm, B.A. ’57
    Jerry Henderson, B.A. ’57
    Marjorie, McCauley, B.A. ’57
    Ned Brainard, M.A. ’57, Ed.D. ’61
    Eino Martino, M.A. ’57
    Armin Rosin, M.A. ’57 
    Clyde Edmiston, B.A. ’58
    Ursula McRostie, B.A. ’58, M.A. ’64
    Emma Pearce, B.A. ’58
    Don Redgwick, B.A. ’58
    Jim Reeman, B.A. ’58, M.A. ’59
    Bill Vorreiter, B.A. ’58, M.A. ’64 
    Tom Charles, M.A. ’58
    Edie Evans, M.A. ’58
    Evan Farmer, M.A. ’58
    Maurine Faulkner, M.A. ’58
    Esther McHardy, M.A. ’58
    Allen Posthumus, M.A. ’58
    Leonard Prahl, M.A. ’58
    Mary Blue, B.A. ’59
    Chuck Bussing, B.A. ’59
    Marianne Cardinal, B.A. ’59
    Ronald Even, B.A. ’59, M.A. ’64
    Marilyn Kraft, B.A. ’59
    Madaline Lake, B.A. ’59
    Ellen Olson, B.A. ’59
    Alice Osborne, B.A. ’59
    Berna Renzelman, B.A. ’59
    Rosemary Sekera, B.A. ’59
    Shirley Snare, B.A. ’59
    Ronald Weaver, B.A. ’59, Ed.S. ’75
    Nelson Lutey, Ed.D. ’59
    Weldon Borgaard, M.A. ’59
    Martha Staby, M.A. ’59   

  • 1960s

    Arlene Belt, B.A. ’60
    Dorothy Brotemarkle, B.A. ’60, M.A. ’70
    Richard Carara, B.A. ’60
    Charlotte Carey, B.A. ’60
    Charla Filla, B.A. ’60, M.A. ’63
    Alan Hyslop, B.A. ’60, M.A. ’73
    David Jones, B.A. ’60, M.A. ’64
    Lynn Scott, B.A. ’60
    Jerry Weber, B.A. ’60
    Dennis Westbrook, B.A. ’60
    Doug Clanin, M.A. ’60
    Bud Gardner, M.A. ’60
    Allen Gilmore, M.A. ’60
    Glenn Jensen, M.A. ’60
    Wally Sheets, M.A. ’60
    Glenn Antonopulos, B.A. ’61, M.A. ’67
    Gary Beard, B.A. ’61, M.A. ’70, E.D. ’78
    Joan Bogensberger, B.A. ’61
    Betty Enderson, B.A. ’61
    Nancy Franzon, B.A. ’61
    Lenore Nelan, B.A. ’61
    Connie Otto, B.A. ’61
    Harry Schumer, B.A. ’61, M.A. ’65
    Maureen Soller, B.A. ’61
    Bonnie Spitzer, B.A. ’61
    Sue Stanec, B.A. ’61, M.A. ’66
    Sal Troisi, B.A. ’61, M.A. ’62 
    Shirley Uhrich, B.A. ’61, M.A. ’77
    Don Wiskes, B.A. ’61
    Dee Zona, B.A. ’61 
    Duane Blackwell, B.S. ’61, M.S. ’67
    Walter Kleman, M.A. ’61
    Leon Kruse, M.A. ’61
    Donald Trout, M.A. ’61
    Arthur Hayes, B.A. ’62
    Bud Hettinger, B.A. ’62
    Ahna Hoff, B.A. ’62, M.A. ’63
    Don Hunt, B.A. ’62
    Kenneth Jenson, B.A. ’62, M.A. ’72
    Bonnie Maul, B.A. ’62
    Bob Woodard, B.A. ’62, M.A. ’69
    Don Gunderson, M.A. ’62
    Kenneth Ivers, M.A. ’62
    Ron Paap, M.A. ’62
    Tony Salazar, M.A. ’62
    Ron Bailey, B.A. ’63 
    Carol Davila, B.A. ’63
    Patrick Holligan, B.A. ’63
    Richard Kaneko, B.A. ’63 , M.A. ’64
    Frank Nagy, B.A. ’63
    Judy Sekera, B.A. ’63
    Jim Troyer, B.A. ’63 
    Patricia Zulauf, B.A. ’63
    Gael Bennett, B.A. ’64
    Bob DeBrey, B.A. ’64, M.A. ’69
    Dennis Draper, B.A. ’64
    Connie Eckhardt, B.A. ’64
    Janet Keenan, B.A. ’64
    John Lanham, B.A. ’64
    Dan Mahalek, B.A. ’64, M.A. ’68
    James Morris, B.A. ’64
    Helen Norton, B.A. ’64
    Jim Oster, B.A. ’64
    Georgia Parks, B.A. ’64
    John Shown, B.A. ’64, M.A. ’67
    Allen Thieme, B.A. ’64, M.A. ’71
    Charles Webb, B.A. ’64
    Beverly Winsett, B.A. ’64
    Dottie Woltemath, B.A. ’64 
    James Bentz, M.A. ’64
    Dot Dusek, M.A. ’64
    Curtiss Mallory, M.A. ’64, Ed.D. ’69
    Blayne Perleth, M.A. ’64, Ed.D. ’71
    Eldon Peters, M.A. ’64, Ed.D. ’75 
    Jerome Polsin, M.A. ’64
    Pat Best, B.A. ’65
    David Carpenter, B.A. ’65, M.A. ’68
    Nadine Cassata, B.A. ’65
    Victor Garcia, B.A. ’65, M.A. ’71
    Warren Kercher, B.A. ’65
    Jim McNally, B.A. ’65, M.A. ’70
    Clem Schneidmiller, B.A. ’65, M.A. ’77
    Jerry Troxel, B.A. ’65
    Sid Wilke, B.S. ’65
    Justyn Graham, Ed.D. ’65
    Darrell Mudra, Ed.D. ’65
    Lee Horst, M.A. ’65
    Joseph Karr, M.A. ’65
    Wardell Larson, M.A. ’65
    Bill McKean, M.A. ’65
    Richard Reimer, M.A. ’65 
    Dick Shiers, M.A. ’65
    Don Swain, M.A. ’65
    Karen Williams, A.B. ’66
    Susan Brooks, B.A. ’66 
    Fred Schroeder, B.A. ’66
    Jan Wilder, B.A. ’66 
    Larry Winburn, B.A. ’66 
    Linda Young, B.A. ’66
    Eldon Ames, M.A. ’66
    MaryAnn Burton, M.A. ’66
    William Crosby, M.A. ’66
    Jack Kohne, M.A. ’66
    Pat Papenheim, M.A. ’66
    Don Schramm, M.A. ’66
    Phillip Sorensen, M.A. ’66
    Lynne Anderson, B.A. ’67, M.A. ’76
    Douglas Ewald, B.A. ’67
    Chancy Goodwin, B.A. ’67
    Lucie Hoyt, B.A. ’6
    Sue Koppenhafer, B.A. ’67
    Pearl Koshi, B.A. ’6
    Marianne Michaux, B.A. ’67
    Larry Moody, B.A. ’67 
    Diana Pitts, B.A. ’67
    Carol Samide, B.A. ’67 
    Floyd Sasa, B.A. ’67 
    Jim Stalley, B.A. ’67
    Judy Szabo, B.A. ’67, M.A. ’79
    Richard Woolverton, B.A. ’67
    Dennis Humphrey, Ed.D. ’67
    Al Abramowitz, M.A. ’67
    Leon Ardueser, M.A. ’67
    Lowell Lenarz, M.A. ’67
    Beulah Polley, M.A. ’67 
    John Schwenn, M.A. ’67 
    Robert Ventura, M.A. ’67 
    Melvin Beede, B.A. ’68
    Charlotte Benich, B.A. ’68, M.A. ’71
    Linda Garcia, B.A. ’68 
    Mike Peters, B.A. ’68 
    Ann Roche, B.A. ’68 ,
    Cheryl Scharp, B.A. ’68
    Sandra Weiss, B.S. ’68
    Dick DeFore, M.A. ’6
    Dee Howard, M.A. ’68
    Dennis Parker, M.A. ’68
    Daniel Schnell, M.A. ’68
    Tom DeBerry, B.A. ’69
    Rich Emerson, B.A. ’69, M.A. ’7
    Romajean Hahn, B.A. ’69
    Dave Hills, B.A. ’69
    Janice Howard, B.A. ’69, M.A. ’7
    Patrick Kaletka, B.A. ’69, M.A. ’70
    Blanche Lane, B.A. ’69
    Dale Moritz, B.A. ’69
    Danny Musgrave, B.A. ’69
    William Noel, B.A. ’69
    Jody Rodriquez, B.A. ’69
    Daniel Torrez, B.A. ’69, M.A. ’70
    Ella White, B.A. ’69
    Dennis Wiseman, B.A. ’69, M.A. ’74
    Steve Tomsic, B.S. ’69, M.A. ’76
    Delmer Reimer, Ed.D. ’69
    Kenneth DuBois, M.A. ’69
    Elaine Gottmann, M.A. ’69
    JoAnn McCall, M.A. ’69
    Jack Morgan, M.A. ’69    

  • 1970s

    Marilyn Cooley, B.A. ’70
    Cynthia Helton, B.A. ’70
    Susan Kessell, B.A. ’70
    Albert Knoblock, B.A. ’70
    Sherrie McDowell, B.A. ’70
    Stanley Nagatani, B.A. ’70
    Beau Pacheco, B.A. ’70
    Raymond Sasaki, B.A. ’70, M.A. ’72
    June Sheperd, B.A. ’70
    Minnie Shurtleff, B.A. ’70
    Brenda Tatro, B.A. ’70
    Clinton Wells, Ed.D. ’70
    Barbara Cizek, M.A. ’70, B.S. ’82
    Daryl Griffith, M.A. ’70
    Michael Henry, M.A. ’70
    Marc Pecha, M.A. ’70
    Don Perry, M.A. ’70
    Al Rossi, M.A. ’70
    Bert Bishop, B.A. ’71
    Suzanne Bright, B.A. ’71
    Gary Bryan, B.A. ’71
    Greg Dannels, B.A. ’71
    Claudia Johnson B.A. ’71
    Mike Merrill, B.A. ’71
    Karen Oldfield, B.A. ’71, M.A. ’72
    Rich Stubler, B.A. ’71
    Doug Sutch, B.A. ’71
    Ralph Ditallo, B.S. ’71, B.A. ’71
    Gloria Strandquist, B.S. ’71
    Bob Lacher, D.A. ’71
    Merlyn Gramberg, Ed.D. ’71
    Jack O’Neill, Ed.D. ’71
    Leo Pauls, Ed.D. ’71
    Gary Steinmiller, Ed.D. ’71
    Roxanne Carson, M.A. ’71
    Mattie Edwards, M.A. ’71
    Debbie Bee, B.A. ’72
    Bob Brunacci, B.A. ’72, M.A. ’74
    Rudy Forjan, B.A. ’72
    Stephen Gillott, B.A. ’72
    Barry Hadley, B.A. ’72
    Christina Hobbs, B.A. ’72
    Shirley Magnusun, B.A. ’72
    Roberto Martinez, B.A. ’72
    Georgia Michael, B.A. ’72
    Ray Payne, B.A. ’72
    Barry Peterson, B.A. ’72, M.A. ’74
    Gary Stoker, B.A. ’72
    Jim Webster, B.A. ’72
    LaVern Lambrecht, B.S. ’72
    Joel Barbee, Ed.D. ’72
    Bruce Quantic, Ed.D. ’72
    Edward Apodaca, M.A. ’72
    George Belden, M.A. ’72
    Rick Christmas, M.A. ’72, Ed.S. ’74, Ph.D. ’80
    Betty Drake, M.A. ’72
    Philip Dynneson, M.A. ’72
    Ron Mohr, M.A. ’72
    Darlene Perry, M.A. ’72
    Bill Rahm, M.A. ’72
    Kathie Blea, B.A. ’73
    Linda Camp-Johnson, B.A. ’73
    Kathleen Carter, B.A. ’73
    Judith Egusa, B.A. ’73
    Bill Hensley, B.A. ’73
    Jim Herrell, B.A. ’73, M.A. ’78
    Thomas Lopeman, B.A. ’73
    Laura Ratcliff, B.A. ’73
    Gary Augden, B.S. ’73, M.A. ’75
    Danny Harris, B.S. ’73
    Judy Weimer, B.S. ’73
    Michael Wisch, B.S. ’73
    Dennis Mancuso, Ed.D. ’73
    Chau-Ying Liao, M.A. ’73
    Van Liufau, M.A. ’73
    Jerilyn Sanderson, M.A. ’73
    Robert Thrasher, M.A. ’73
    Pete Hassemer, Ph.D. ’73
    Cherryl Babbitt, B.A. ’74
    Chuck Bohn, B.A. ’74
    Frank Faiella, B.A. ’74, M.A. ’80
    Jerry Fithian, B.A. ’74
    Dan Kelley, B.A. ’74
    Sandy Kielsmeier, B.A. ’74
    MaryAnn Randels, B.A. ’74
    Roger Shield, B.A. ’74
    Barbara Spanjer, B.A. ’74
    Bob Byron, B.S. ’74
    Ernie Eck, B.S. ’74
    Kirk Robertson, B.S. ’74
    John Benedetti, Ed.D. ’74
    Lee Cornetta, M.A. ’74
    Elizabeth Duvall, M.A. ’74
    Norma Engelhardt, M.A. ’74
    Mark Jefka, M.A. ’74
    Ron McGregor, M.A. ’74
    Robert Ronish, M.A. ’74
    Lucy Dougherty, B.A. ’75
    Barbara Higginson, B.A. ’75
    Robin Lemke, B.A. ’75
    Vincent Megna, B.A. ’75
    Robert Shirley, B.A. ’75
    Mary Vigil, B.A. ’75, M.A. ’78
    Patricia Wilke, B.A. ’75
    Larry Backes, M.A. ’75
    Kenneth Davis, M.A. ’75
    Barbara Frisbie, M.A. ’75
    Virginia Gengor, M.A. ’75, M.A. ’77
    Henry Greenfield, M.A. ’75
    Timothy Kop, M.A. ’75
    Ralph Stensland, M.A. ’75
    Alfred Crawford, Ph.D. ’75
    Kathleen Gallegos, B.A. ’76
    Elizabeth Hoogendyk, B.A. ’76
    Gerry Lorenz, B.A. ’76
    Peg Root, B.A. ’76
    Dale Sato, B.A. ’76
    Bruce Smith, B.A. ’76
    Jackie Sullivan, B.A. ’76
    Barbara Varnedoe, B.A. ’76
    Debbie Cantrup, B.S. ’76
    Cynthia Haglin, B.S. ’76
    Franklin Jackson, B.S. ’76, M.A. ’77
    Dan Markley, B.S. ’76
    Mike Morgan, B.S. ’76
    Richard Tobias, D.A. ’76
    Frank Fiscalini, Ed.D. ’76
    Walter Jackson, Ed.D. ’76
    James Ryabik, Ed.D. ’76
    Myrna Bramson, M.A. ’76
    Dennis Gorsching, M.A. ’76
    James Hughes, M.A. ’76
    Betty Langer, M.A. ’76
    Juanita Lockert, M.A. ’76
    Mike Mahan, M.A. ’76
    Diane Peterson, M.A. ’76
    Bill Webb, M.A. ’76
    Dale McNeill, M.M.E. ’76
    Patty Blanco, B.S. ’77
    Roma Brandau B.A. ’77
    Lois Mahoney, B.A. ’77
    Steve Denham, B.M. ’77
    Daniel Benavidez, B.S. ’77
    Jeffrey Micheel, B.S. ’77
    Carl Roberts, Ed.D. ’77
    Al Cloutier, M.A. ’77
    Kenneth Daly, M.A. ’77
    Connie Elder, M.A. ’77
    Ed Haug, M.A. ’77
    Leigh Holt, M.A. ’77
    Jerry Lynch, M.A. ’77
    Gloria MacDonald, M.A. ’77
    Dan Marman, M.A. ’77
    Jenny Mayfield, M.A. ’77
    Chuck McHugh, M.A. ’77
    David Price, M.A. ’77
    Marilyn Schneider, M.A. ’77
    Bill Suhre, M.A. ’77
    Nancy Walker, M.A. ’77
    Beth Brown, M.S. ’77
    Cliff Olson, B.A. ’78
    Blaine Herdman, B.S. ’78
    Carol Tice, B.S. ’78
    Jane Amundson, M.A. ’78
    Thomas Anton, M.A. ’78
    Diane App, M.A. ’78
    Lupe Arciniega, M.A. ’78
    Ben Boswell, M.A. ’78
    Marilyn Bowser, M.A. ’78
    Jeff Crouch, M.A. ’78
    Judy Duncan, M.A. ’78
    William Herlth, M.A. ’78
    Jerry Kelleher, M.A. ’78
    Marilyn LaMarsh, M.A. ’78
    Donald Richter, M.A. ’78
    Hugh Sweeney, M.A. ’78
    Coralou White, M.A. ’78
    Jean Wilson, M.A. ’78
    JoElla Blackburn, M.M.E. ’78
    Fred Worrall, M.S. ’78
    Philip Bowman, B.A. ’79
    Mike Carsella, B.A. ’79
    Richard Irwin, B.A. ’79, M.A. ’85, Ed.D. ’90
    Earl Kemmer, B.A. ’79
    David Maley, B.A. ’79
    Debra Seychelle, B.A. ’79, M.M. ’12
    Leslie Vlasman, B.A. ’79
    Dona Burron, M.A. ’79
    Nancy Flaming, M.A. ’79
    Betsy Greer, M.A. ’79
    Lylaus Keyes, M.A. ’79
    Ron Koval, M.A. ’79
    John Musso, M.A. ’79
    Carol Van Zandbergen, M.A. ’79
    Margaret Weiland, M.A. ’79
    Woody Wood, M.A. ’79
    Don Archer, M.S. ’79
    Jim Nuckles, M.S. ’79  

  • 1980s

    Jim Engel, B.A. ’80
    Kathy Lopez, B.A. ’80
    Josie Herrera, B.S. ’80
    Lora Hickethier, B.S. ’80
    Patty Schmeiser, B.S. ’80
    David Maynard, Ed.D. ’80
    Jean Choquette, M.A. ’80
    Barbara Hartung, M.A. ’80
    Arthur Henry, M.A. ’80
    Edward Jansen, M.A. ’80
    Brent Jeffers, M.A. ’80
    Philip Knapp, M.A. ’80
    Bill Fain, M.S. ’80
    Randall Hartley, M.S. ’80
    Dennis Partenheimer, M.S. ’80
    Calvin Shibuya, M.S. ’80
    Ruth Annis, B.A. ’81
    Stan Kaufman, B.A. ’81
    Anthony Withers, B.A. ’81
    Julie Broom, B.S. ’81
    Dorothy Rodman, B.S. ’81
    Paula Brooke, M.A. ’81
    Michael Kirk, M.A. ’81
    Jim Stansberry, M.A. ’81
    Jacque Thompson, M.A. ’81
    Pete Custodio, M.S. ’81
    Dan Schumacher, B.A. ’82
    Ron Linville, B.A. ’82, M.A. ’90
    Ronnie Lou Cress-Kordick, M.A. ’82
    Lauren Grasmick, M.A. ’82
    Bobbie Menefee, M.A. ’82
    Bernard Coyle, M.S. ’82
    Daniel Anderson, Ph.D. ’82
    Mark Wilbert, B.A. ’83
    Dorene Pool, B.M.E. ’83
    Krystyna Cherry, M.A. ’83
    Robert Follett, M.A. ’83
    Randy Sirowy, M.A. ’83
    Joy Breuer, B.A. ’84
    Peggy Dunbar, B.S. ’84
    Tom Earley, B.S. ’84
    Pat Taricone, Ed.D. ’84
    Jolene Hoffman, M.A. ’84
    John Comiskey, B.A. ’85
    Carl Iwasaki, B.A. ’85
    David Soister, B.A. ’85
    Timothy Greenwood, B.S. ’85
    Sheila Smith, B.S. ’85
    Jan Lindquist, Ed.S. ’85
    Ruby Cooper, B.A.E. ’86
    Steven Heidenfelder, B.A.E. ’86
    Susan Hadden, M.A. ’86
    Judith Van Egdom, M.A. ’86
    Gary Cottrell, B.A. ’87
    Christine Hannum, B.A.E. ’87, M.A. ’92
    Mei-Yau Shih, M.A. ’87, Ph.D. ’91
    Steve Behr, B.A. ’88
    Leigh Bickmore, B.A. ’88
    Nevin Williams, B.S. ’88
    Judith Miller, M.A. ’88
    Kathryn Scott, M.A. ’88
    Mark Aderman, M.M.E. ’88, Ed.D. ’00
    Ed Bond, M.A. ’89

  • 1990s

    Michael Bybee, B.A. ’90
    David Dinsmore, B.A. ’90
    Kathi Bandhauer, B.A.E. ’90
    Nancy Cupples, M.A. ’90
    Carolyn Engelken, M.A. ’90
    Sheila Reyes, B.A.E. ’91
    Carol Vian, B.S. ’91
    Ruth Gonzalez, Ed.D ’91
    Stepheni Holden, M.A. ’91
    Steve McCrea, M.A. ’91
    Janet Staats, M.A. ’91
    Barb Brekke, B.A. ’92
    Ed Clark, B.A. ’92
    Judy Maupin, B.S. ’92
    Carolyn Anderson, M.A. ’92, Ed.S. ’94
    Sally Hain, M.A. ’92
    Wil Coon, B.A. ’93
    Mindy Gable, B.S ’93, M.P.H. ’97
    Lon Gunderson, B.S. ’93
    Michael Allen, M.A. ’93
    Saul Contreras, M.A. ’93
    Charles King, M.A. ’93
    Diane Schock, M.A. ’93
    Cathy Fabiano, B.A. ’94
    Steve James, B.A. ’94
    Cindy Pollard, B.A. ’94
    Laura Mora, B.A ’95
    Adina Garcia-Premer, B.A. ’96
    Alison Roman, B.M.E. ’96, M.M. ’07
    Gloria Winters, B.S. ’96
    Jean Fleming, Ed.D. ’96
    Sue Sorenson, M.A. ’96
    Jeff Seale, B.A. ’97
    Lauren Fowler-Calisto, D.A. ’97
    John Boyd, D.A. ’98
    Sheri Rossing, M.A. ’98 

  • 2000s

    Jodie Johnson, B.A. ’01
    Allen Lindblad, B.A. ’01
    Kiley Smith, B.A. ’01
    Mike Doddridge, B.S. ’02, M.A. ’06
    Robin Henson, B.A. ’03
    Elizabeth Arnold, M.A. ’03
    Zev Grauer, B.A. ’04
    Laura Howe, M.A. ’04
    David Donohue, B.S. ’06
    Bret Garegnani, B.S. ’06
    Pablo Herrera, B.A. ’07
    Shawn Witkowski, B.A. ’07
    Ashley Dryer, B.A. ’08
    Ryan Farr, B.A. ’08
    Christian Sarmento, B.S. ’09

  • 2010s

    Aaron Martinez, B.S. ’10
    Suzanne Bera, B.A. ’11
    Boyce Burley, B.A. ’12
    Timothy Martin, B.A. ’16

  • 2020s

    Brianna Wancura, M.B.A. ’21
    Faculty and 
    Emeritus Faculty
    Buddy Baker
    Mary Behling, M.A. ’58
    Bob Blasi, M.A. ’57
    Dick Bond, L.H.D. ’99
    Genie Canales
    James Clinton
    Norma Egeness, M.A. ’67
    Allen McConnell
    Ronald Simonson, M.A. ’71
    Elaine Vilscek
    Thurm Wright, B.A. ’51
    John Daresh
    Kendall Mallory

  • Tributes

    Edith “Edye” Nottingham, ’51
    The Bear community mourns the loss of one of its biggest supporters and a beloved member of its community for nearly three-quarters of a century, Edye Nottingham. She passed away November 16, 2023, at age 93. 

    Edye and her husband Vic, ’52, of 62 years, both fiercely loyal Bears, co-chaired fundraising efforts to build the UNC football team, track and field and other sports. In 1992, along with fellow donors, they helped raise $3.5 million to build UNC’s current football stadium, Nottingham Field, named in their honor. Their incredible and unwavering generosity, and that of many others, created multiple endowments in the Nottinghams’ name that provide ongoing support for student-athletes and athletic facilities. 

    When the stadium opened in 1995 for its first football game, Edye along with her husband Vic, watched the Bears take the field from section D, row 25, seat 15. It’s a seat that has remained hers ever since. Seat 14 belonged to Vic and after his death in 2014, UNC turned his seat gold in a sea of blue to honor him — to hold a seat for him in a way that reflected his love for the Bears.  

    An Elementary Education major, Edye has been a generous, longtime supporter of UNC since her graduation in the early 1950s, working tirelessly to promote UNC Athletics and recruit passionate Bear fans. Edye was a proud Bear parent and grandparent to many UNC graduates. 

    For more than four decades, Edye has been an ardent champion and generous contributor to the university, and her and Vic’s generosity has provided support for scholarships, programs and facilities that have made a tremendous impact in Athletics and across our campus.  

    Nottingham Field will always be a reminder of Edye’s unwavering commitment, love and passion for UNC. As she was fond of saying, Bear down!

    Eydie Nottingham sits on a bench.

     Carl Iwasaki, ’85, Former Head Baseball Coach 
    The UNC community was deeply saddened to learn of “Coach Carl’s” passing on February 7, 2024.  

    A UNC alum as well as a former baseball player and coach, Iwasaki was the Bear’s ninth head coach, leading the team from 2010-22. During his 12 seasons at the helm, Iwasaki amassed over 300 wins, making the Hawaii native the fourth-winningest coach in UNC program history. 

    As a student-athlete, Iwasaki played four seasons as catcher for UNC. Prior to becoming UNC’s head coach, Iwasaki served as assistant coach and later head baseball coach at Austin College in Texas. There, he was named Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference Coach of the Year in 2006 and 2007. In 2010, Iwasaki made the leap back to his alma mater, UNC, a newly Division I team. 

    In his first three seasons, he led the Bears to a Great West Conference title and the championship game of the 2011 Great West Conference (GWC) Baseball Tournament. In 2013, Iwasaki was named GWC Coach of the Year. 

    During Iwasaki’s tenure, dozens of student-athletes earned spots on All-Conference teams and received All-Academic awards. He was instrumental in the recruitment and development of Jensen Park, who earned both Great West Player of the Year in 2013 and WAC Player of the Year in 2015. Park was drafted by the Colorado Rockies in 2015. Nearly a dozen of Coach Carl’s players went on to play professionally 
    in the minor leagues. 

    Iwasaki led efforts to move UNC into the Western Athletic Conference which has an automatic NCAA tournament berth. He also preached tirelessly about the importance of academic success, and in his final season as head coach, Iwasaki had eight student-athletes make the Summit League Commissioner’s Academic List. 

    Iwasaki touched so many students’ lives and made a tremendous impact on many people throughout his coaching career. He was known for his generous spirit and sincere willingness to help people. An organ donor, Iwasaki’s last act was donating his liver to save someone’s life. 

    Coach Carl will be greatly missed, but not forgotten. 

    Headshot of Coach Carl Iwasaki.

    Allen McConnell, Ph.D., Senior Professor of Accounting 
    Allen McConnell passed away March 13, 2024 at the age of 82. The longtime Accounting professor joined UNC’s (MCB) College of Business faculty in 1968, teaching students for 50 years. 

    McConnell enjoyed students immensely and taught courses in finance, insurance law, auditing and governmental and managerial accounting. For over 15 years, he served as chair of the Department of Accounting and Computer Information Systems. The department earned its International Accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business under his leadership.  

    McConnell has received numerous honors and awards from his peers and professional organizations over the course of his career. In 2003, he received the 2003 CPA Making a Difference award from the Colorado Society of CPAs for his professional and community service and for his extraordinary work with students. He also worked as a CPA for several CPA firms in North Dakota and Colorado, including McConnell and Bohrer, LLC, in Greeley. 

    Perhaps most importantly, McConnell touched the lives of so many students, alumni and colleagues. He was a favorite professor of students, known for being tough but fair as well as supportive. McConnell advised MCB’s chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, an international honor society for accounting, finance and information systems, and the Professional Accounting Association for many years. 

    In 2009, MCB alumni and donors established the Allen McConnell Distinguished Chair in Accounting which recently surpassed $1 million in funding. The Chair recognizes the tremendous impact McConnell made on generations of students’ educational experiences and lives while also serving to attract and retain outstanding accounting faculty to MCB.  

    McConnell always made time to listen or help those in need. His presence brightened the lives of all who knew him, and his absence will be deeply felt. He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Carol (Anderson) McConnell, his two children and three grandchildren. He established the Matthew A. McConnell Memorial Scholarship for University High School seniors in honor of his son who died in 1994 at the age of 24.  

    McConnell earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accounting from the University of North Dakota.  

    UNC is grateful for McConnell’s dedication and commitment to the university, its students and for his outstanding contributions to Accounting over the span of five decades. True to his nature, he asked that random acts of kindness be done in his memory. 

    Headshot of Allen McConnell.